
For years, I’ve read books about spirituality and couldn’t figure out what this spirituality is that we are looking for. I’ve read that, it is inside us and covered with dust. But, what is it? What is it like?

Do you have the same frustration?

I’ve been studying the Hoffman Process and it has shed light on me.

To put it simple, the spiritual self is the unconditioned part of ourselves. What an enlightenment! Along the journey of our growing up, we’ve been conditioned, affected and even contaminated by the environment around us. To find our spirituality, is to unlearn those conditions. It IS like flicking off the dust and let our spiritual self shine through!

It also makes me come to believe, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

When we unlearn all the conditions and find our spiritual self, we’ll start to experience joy, freedom and compassion in life.